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ECommerce Copywriting 101: How It Benefits Your B2B

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July 17, 2024

Copywriting is the art of using words (“copy”) to compel people to act in a certain way — usually to buy your products. It is an incredibly powerful tool for all businesses, especially those in the B2B eCommerce space.

In this article, we break down everything you need to know about copywriting for eCommerce — from the science behind it to its benefits and how you can use it in your B2B eCommerce strategy and more. 

Short on time? Here are the key takeaways

  • Copywriting is your secret weapon for B2B eCommerce success. It helps you sell more, get found online (if your site is public), create happy customers, and encourage bigger purchases.

  • Speak to your customers’ hearts and minds. Use clear, persuasive language to connect with customers’ emotions and motivate them to take action.

  • Get to know your customers like a friend. Understand their needs, challenges, and what makes them tick so you can write copy that truly resonates.

  • Show, do not just tell. Explain how your products make your customers’ lives easier, their businesses more successful, or their problems disappear.

  • Make your most important pages stand out. Focus on crafting compelling product descriptions, informative category pages, powerful testimonials, and an engaging homepage.

  • Use AI as a helpful assistant. AI can help you generate ideas and get started, but always add your personal touch to make your copy shine.

With the key takeaways covered, let's take a look at the science behind the best eCommerce copywriting.

The psychology behind good copywriting

Copywriting in eCommerce is everywhere: product descriptions, landing pages, email campaigns, and even social media posts. And good eCommerce copywriting can have a big impact on your business. The right words can persuade, engage, and convert potential customers into loyal buyers, helping you achieve your eCommerce goals.

But there is science behind it. The most effective eCommerce copywriting taps into basic human psychology:

  • We crave simplicity. Our brains are wired to prefer information that is easy to process. Clear, concise language makes it easier for potential customers to understand your message and act on it.

  • We love details. Concrete details are more memorable and believable than vague statements. Specific information helps customers visualize your product in their lives.

  • We follow the crowd. We are more likely to trust and buy from companies others recommend. That’s why forms of social proof, such as testimonials and reviews, are so influential.

  • We are driven by emotions. Emotions play a significant role in decision-making. Copy that evokes emotions like excitement, urgency, or the fear of missing out can drive conversions.

  • We are curious by nature. Piquing curiosity can encourage potential customers to explore your products further. 

Companies that have tapped into this copywriting science experienced tangible benefits that have pushed their business forward.

For example, in the B2C space, online mattress supplier Amerisleep increased checkouts by 13.9% by improving the messaging and copy on its website. It focused on clearly communicating the benefits of its products and creating a sense of urgency.

The principles are equally as powerful and important for B2B businesses. Paperstone, a paper company that primarily sells to other businesses, increased online sales by 10.67% by adding a comparison table to its homepage showing its lower prices compared to big-name competitors. 

These examples prove that understanding how to write eCommerce copy can directly influence customer behavior and drive sales.

ECommerce copywriting basics

To get the most out of your eCommerce content writing, follow these tips:

  1. Know your audience. Consider their needs, pain points, and preferences. Understanding your target customer allows you to tailor your message effectively, addressing their specific challenges and goals. This approach makes your copy more relevant and compelling. For instance:

❌ “We sell a variety of hammers.”

✅ “We sell a variety of hammers for construction companies, contractors, and development companies with a variety of materials, weights, and colors.”

  1. Write how you speak. Keep your copy clear and concise, and use simple language so it is easy to understand. Remember, the goal is to connect with your audience, not confuse them. For example:

❌ “Our solution optimizes inventory management.”

✅ “Our product helps you keep track of your stock levels.”

  1. Focus on benefits. Instead of just listing features, tell customers how your product improves their lives or businesses. This is especially helpful for complex products, such as those in the fashion and apparel industry. For instance:

❌ “Our fabric-cutting machine utilizes a proprietary laser-guided system that achieves sub-millimeter tolerances.”

✅ “Our laser fabric-cutting machine is ultra-precise, helping you save money on materials and get your products to market faster.”

  1. Test and learn. Continuously test different versions of your copy to see what resonates best with your audience. A/B testing—where you run different versions of the copy simultaneously to see which performs better—can help you identify the most effective headlines, calls to action (CTAs), and product descriptions. 

For example, you could test two different CTAs on a landing page for a product: 

🅰️ “Download our guide for more information”

🅱️ “Get your free guide: 5 most popular blends of coffee for hotels. Download now!"

By analyzing which CTA leads to more demo requests or sign-ups, you can optimize your copy to drive more conversions.

Expert tip: If the concept of copywriting seems intimidating, frameworks can provide a great jumping-off point. 

For example, you might try the PAS (problem, agitate, solution) framework. With this framework, you first identify and empathize with your audience’s pain points, then amplify those pain points to create a sense of urgency, and finally present your product as the perfect solution to their woes.

Copywriting & AI

Generative AI tools are becoming increasingly sophisticated, able to churn out copywriting for eCommerce in seconds. While this new technology is exciting, it’s important to remember that AI is a tool, not a replacement for human creativity. 

Here is how to use AI effectively in your copywriting workflow:

  • Give AI a clear prompt. Provide detailed instructions outlining your desired tone, target audience, key messages, and any relevant keywords. Consider including examples of past successful copy or competitor examples to help guide the AI’s understanding of the voice and style you are after.

    For instance, a B2B furniture company might use this prompt as a starting point: “Write a professional product description for an ergonomic, customizable, high-end office chair. Audience: C-level executives. Keywords: luxury, productivity. Style: similar to Herman Miller's product descriptions.”

This prompt provides a solid foundation. The more specific you are, the better the AI can tailor its output to your needs. For even better results, you'd typically include more specific details about your unique product features and brand voice.

  • Use AI as a starting point. AI can be a great way to generate ideas and get your creative juices flowing, but you should not rely on it to create all your copy for you. Use your own unique insights and ideas to build on and refine what the AI generates.

  • Triple-check AI output. AI is a powerful tool, but it is not perfect. Always fact-check and edit AI-generated copy to ensure it is accurate, engaging, and aligns with your brand voice.

  • Use AI for the heavy lifting. Let AI handle repetitive tasks such as drafting product descriptions or social media posts, freeing your time for more strategic or creative work. For example, you can use AI to generate multiple variations of a product description and then choose the best one to refine further.

Benefits of eCommerce copywriting for B2B

The copywriting benefits for eCommerce are numerous and impactful. Let’s explore the top ones for B2B organizations:

Fuelled sales growth

Compelling copy persuades potential customers to take action. By highlighting your products' unique value proposition and creating a sense of urgency, B2B retail and wholesale businesses can significantly increase their sales.

Example: Say you sell office supplies to other businesses. In your copywriting, you might note that your ergonomic desk chairs “reduce employee back pain and improve focus, leading to a more productive workforce.” This makes the product more enticing to potential customers, pushing them to purchase.

Better search engine rankings for public sites

Well-crafted copy can improve your website’s search engine optimization (SEO). This means if your site is public, it will be easier for potential customers to find because it will appear higher in search engine rankings. 

Example: If you're a company that provides public furnishings like bus shelters and park benches, you can strategically incorporate keywords such as "durable park bench" or "weather-resistant bus shelter" into your website copy. This helps attract city planners and property managers specifically seeking these solutions on search engines.

Expert tip: Consider including industry-specific terms in your copy. For instance, if you offer solutions for eCommerce, phrases like "eCommerce scalability and performance" can help attract businesses looking to improve their online operations.

Positive customer experiences

Engaging and informative content helps customers make confident purchasing decisions. Clear product descriptions, customer testimonials, and helpful guides all contribute to a positive experience that fosters trust and loyalty.

Example: Say you supply office furniture to businesses. Compelling copy could showcase detailed product dimensions and materials, include testimonials from satisfied clients who rave about their improved workspace, and offer guides on ergonomic design or creating collaborative spaces.

Boosted average order value

Persuasive copywriting techniques, such as upselling and bundling recommendations, can encourage customers to purchase more items or opt for higher-priced options, ultimately boosting your average order value.

Example: Let's say your company distributes electronics to businesses. Instead of just offering a laptop, you could suggest a bundle that includes a docking station, wireless mouse, and noise-canceling headphones, highlighting how they improve productivity and create a seamless workspace. You could also offer bulk discounts on printer cartridges or toner, making it more cost-effective for businesses to stock up.

Pages that need copywriting on your B2B eCommerce website

Where should you place copywriting on your B2B eCommerce site? The pages that matter most to your customers as they decide whether to buy from you! These are:

1. Your homepage

Your homepage is your virtual storefront, so ensure it makes a great first impression. Use clear, concise copy to showcase what sets your business apart, who you serve, and what you offer. Spell out the benefits of choosing your business and gently guide visitors to the next step — whether that is checking out your products or getting in touch with your sales team.

Example: Say you are a B2B bakery ingredient supplier. Your homepage might emphasize freshness, reliability, and customization options for bulk orders of flour, sugar, and specialty baking mixes. Clear navigation links to product categories, featured promotions, and customer testimonials can further enhance user experience and encourage exploration.

Expert tip: Is your business committed to sustainable eCommerce practices? Showcase this in your homepage copy. Highlighting the eco-friendly practices in your eCommerce revenue model, like reducing packaging waste or offering carbon-neutral shipping, can attract environmentally conscious B2B buyers and make your brand stand out.

2. Category pages

Category pages are like road signs on your website, helping customers find their way around and discover the products they are looking for. Use clear and concise language to describe each category, highlighting the types of products you offer and pointing shoppers toward the options that best suit their needs.

Example: Imagine you are a specialty foods supplier. You could categorize your products into pages labeled “Artisanal Cheeses,” “Organic Produce,” and “Gourmet Condiments.” Each category would feature concise descriptions highlighting the products’ unique selling points and benefits, helping buyers quickly find items that match their culinary needs.

3. Product pages

Product pages are the cornerstone of your eCommerce website. Make sure they are packed with all the info your customers need — features, benefits, technical specs, and how the product can be used.

Choosing the right words for copywriting is important here. Craft engaging product descriptions that highlight what makes each item special and answer any questions or concerns your customers might have. Think of it as having a friendly conversation with your customers, guiding them toward making a purchase.

Example: Picture that your business supplies machinery to other organizations, and one of your products is an industrial air compressor. The page for that product should provide specifications, dimensions, usage instructions, pricing, and shipping details, ensuring buyers have all the information they need.

Expert tip: High-quality product images can make a world of difference when it comes to attracting customers and closing sales. Don't underestimate the power of visuals! Invest in professional eCommerce product photography to showcase your products in the most appealing way possible.

4. Your client testimonial page

A client testimonial page can be an outstanding show of social proof. It is a place to share real stories from happy customers, showing how your products or services have made a real difference for their businesses. 

In the copywriting on this page, use vivid language to paint a picture of customers’ success — and remember to include specific details and numbers to make those testimonials even more convincing.

Example: Say your company provides furniture for hotels, apartment buildings, etc. Your site could feature a testimonial page with quotes from satisfied clients (complete with their names and company logos!) detailing how your furniture enhanced their spaces, improved guest satisfaction, or streamlined their procurement process.

Expert tip: Use video testimonials to add extra authenticity to your client testimonial page. Seeing and hearing real customers talk about their experiences can be more impactful than written testimonials alone.

The bottom line

Copywriting is a critical component of any successful eCommerce business plan. Focus on understanding your target audience, highlighting the benefits of your products, and continuously testing and refining your copy to maximize its impact. 

By investing in high-quality copywriting across your eCommerce website — from product pages to testimonials — you can drive sales, improve SEO, boost average order size, create a positive customer experience, and build long-lasting relationships with your B2B buyers.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you write copy for eCommerce?

To write copy for eCommerce, focus on understanding your target audience, highlighting the benefits of your products, using simple language, and continuously testing and refining your copy based on performance.

What are the benefits of eCommerce copywriting?

The benefits of eCommerce copywriting include increased sales, improved SEO, higher average order sizes, and a more positive customer experience. Effective copy can persuade, inform, and engage potential customers, driving business growth.

How does eCommerce copywriting increase sales?

ECommerce copywriting increases sales by clearly communicating the value of your products, addressing customer pain points, and creating a sense of urgency. Compelling copy can persuade visitors to make a purchase and encourage them to buy more items or higher-value products.

About the author
Arnaud Rihiant
Founder & CEO @ DJUST

Expert in topics on B2B, eCommerce, market trends, business strategy