Product Detail Page (PDP): Key Elements and Examples Explained
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October 22, 2024

Product Detail Page (PDP): Key Elements and Examples Explained

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While B2B eCommerce stores offer an array of benefits, they lack the human interactions your clients are usually used to. Before, they had to get product information and other details of the prospective deal from your sales team.

So, they may initially hesitate to order online from your B2B store. If left unaddressed, this roadblock may lead to lost sales opportunities.

One way to avoid this is by optimizing product detail pages. This way, they can get all the information about your product just like they would during a sales meeting or call.

Short on Time? Here are the Key Takeaways

  • A well-optimized B2B product page helps clients make informed decisions and establish trust.
  • The key elements of an effective PDP include high-quality product visuals, an overview, descriptions with color, sizes, and other specifications, pricing, customer testimonials, and CTAs.
  • PDP content should be skimmable yet insightful and transparent.

What is a Product Detail Page (PDP)?

A PDP or product detail page is a web page that showcases the description of the specific product a customer is viewing on an eCommerce site. It outlines every important detail about a product, helping the buyer make an informed decision. Some primary elements an ideal product page should include are:

  • Color 
  • Size and dimensions 
  • Ingredients or material
  • Features and benefits
  • USPs
  • Shipping options
  • Refund policies
  • Stock information
  • Customer testimonials

What is the Difference Between PLP and PDP?

a table of the difference between a product detail page and a product listing page

Why is the PDP Important for eCommerce Websites?

But aren’t a couple of product photos and a few key details enough? They aren’t if you want to maximize your B2B store’s profits.

It has to be optimized with carefully designed product pages to pursue valuable clients. Here are a few reasons why?

  • An appropriately detailed PDP contains all necessary information, including images and videos, colors, dimensions, and other technical specifications. Such extensive details help your B2B clients make informed purchasing decisions, boosting customer satisfaction.
  • A properly optimized product detail page demonstrates your commitment to transparency and highlights your reliability as a B2B eCommerce store. It alleviates a potential client’s initial doubts and turns them from visitors to customers.
  • PDPs let you highlight your product's unique features and benefits, differentiating it from competitors’ offerings.
  • Well-designed PDPs also improve SEO ranking, making it easier for potential customers to find your B2B eCommerce store through search engines.
  • Providing accurate and detailed product information sets the right expectations, reducing the chances of returns due to mismatched expectations. It simplifies your operations and saves the client the hassle of initiating a return process.

Key Elements of an Effective Product Detail Page

The secret to creating the best product detail pages is combining key elements to paint an accurate product picture. Here are the must-add components:

1. High-quality Product Visuals

Reports note that 75% of customers rely on product photos to make purchasing decisions. This customer trait is relevant in B2B sectors, too, especially if you are in the fashion or food industries. 

Your product details page must have high-resolution images highlighting the item’s best qualities. You can also add 360 ° views and video of the item in use to offer a comprehensive idea of the product.

In short, high-quality product visuals eliminate the doubts associated with online shopping and boost conversion.

2. Product Overview

While a picture is worth a thousand words, an accurate overview of the product detailing its advantages and USPs helps the client understand why the item is the best fit for their business. The overview should be brief (about 50-80 words) so the client can skim through it quickly and develop a basic understanding of your product. Optimize the overview with high-volume keywords and avoid jargon.

3. Detailed Product Description

The product description section delves deeper into the product’s specifications, features, and functionalities, helping the client make accurate and strategic purchasing decisions.

You must anticipate and answer a client's possible product-related questions through informative content. The product description should include the available colors and dimensions, materials, primary product features, benefits, warranty, etc.

4. Price and Availability Information

Your B2B product page must prominently display the price. This makes your brand look transparent and reliable. Ensure the page is updated to showcase ongoing discounts, promotions, and special offers. The PDP must also display product availability status like “In Stock,” “Low in Stock,” or “Out of Stock.”

Indicate clearly if the price includes taxes or if taxes will be added separately. We suggest letting customers add their location and find the exact tax calculation.

Additionally, provide a brief explanation of the payment process, the methods you offer, and any additional steps. 

5. Shipping Options and Return Policies

The product detail page should include a separate section for shipping options with information on shipping costs and delivery times. Detail your policies regarding returns to reduce purchase anxiety.

Examples of Best Product Detail Pages   

Here are some examples of the best product detail page design in the B2B sector to inspire you:

1. DeSter

A leading sustainable food packaging and service ware company, DeSter has perfected PDP optimization on its eCommerce store.

a product detail page of deSter from their B2B website

For example, their reusable coffee cup page starts with the most important detail - the pricing. Then, it dives right into an insightful overview, pointing out the product’s advantages. The up-to-date stock information offers the utmost transparency to the clients. Moreover, the real-time viewer count creates a sense of urgency in visitors, nudging quick conversions.

a description of a product in deSter's product page

The buyer can scroll down and get additional information on the product and brand.

So, how did DeSter build such a well-designed product description page? With our industry-best B2B eCommerce features on DJUST. 

2. Auchan Pro

Another company that built effective PDPs with our eCommerce solution is Auchan Pro.

a product detail page from Auchan Pro B2B's website

For example, the above page for their Chips Paysannes showcases every piece of information a customer needs to make informed purchasing decisions. The page is well-organized and skimmable. From pricing to ingredients and the place of origin, everything is mentioned, along with details related to deliveries. 

3. Cureball Plastics

Cureball Plastics’ product detail pages are intricately well-designed, offering extensive information about the items.

a product detail page of cureball plastics

For example, the above B2B product detail page design showcases the description of Cureball’s ABS General-Purpose plastic sheets. The most important information, i.e., product pricing and the sheet’s dimensions, are mentioned first. Then, other details like applications, characteristics, color, shape, grade, etc, are organized in a drop-down format. Buyers can easily access the information they need and the product in the cart.

4. BuildDirect

a product detail page from builddirect and their B2B page

Another B2B eCommerce store with noteworthy PDPs is BuildDirect. For example, the above B2B product page offers several product colors, lets the buyer see the product in 3D and visualize it in the project through augmented reality.

a product overview of a from the detail page from curveball plastics

The brand’s PDP also highlights the perks of its Vinyl Plank flooring by highlighting its best features.

Best Practices for Product Detail Page Optimization

Now that we know what a compelling product description page looks like, here are some product detail page best practices to optimize yours:

  • Add 360° and in-room view options in product images to give buyers a realistic idea.
  • Use high-impact words to demonstrate the product’s USP. For example, if you sell environment-friendly construction materials, use words like “sustainable” and “recyclable” in the product overview.
  • Invest in a customizable B2B PIM to simplify PDP creation. Use a drop-down format so your busy B2B clients can quickly scan the information.
  • Choose price list software that lets you offer volume-based pricing in PDPs. This will help increase the average ticket size.
  • Add limited-time offers and current page viewer stats to create a sense of urgency.

Common Mistakes to Avoid on a PDP

You may have done everything right in designing your eCommerce product detail pages, but one small mistake can derail your entire strategy. To ensure success, here are some common pitfalls to avoid on a PDP:

  • Using low-resolution images as they can make your products look unappealing. Adding only one or two images is also a mistake you want to avoid, as it doesn’t give customers enough context to hit “Add to Cart.”
  • Generic descriptions don't highlight the product's uniqueness, reducing interest and trust. Use actionable words that pinpoint precisely what the item can do for the client’s business.
  • The absence of product ratings and customer testimonials can be perceived as a red flag to your B2B customers.
  • A cluttered page with too much information or poorly organized content can overwhelm users. So, use the drop-down format to keep the PDP clean and skimmable.
  • Not including relevant keywords in product titles, descriptions, and metadata can make it hard for search engines to index your page.
  • Unclear or missing exchange and return policies may cause hesitation, leading to cart abandonment.

The Bottom Line

The key to conversion in an online store is to make the buyer feel like they can see and feel the product in real life. A properly optimized B2B product detail page can help you here with high-resolution images, accurate descriptions, and authentic user testimonials.

Wondering how to design your own B2B commerce store? Look no further than Djust. We offer a unified commerce platform powered with a composable accelerator where you can:

  • Set up a personalized B2B customer portal to fit your unique business needs
  • Integrate any existing back-end systems easily
  • Leverage catalog management software to set dynamic pricing and product descriptions
  • Integrate with your existing sales and marketing tools for a seamless workflow

Result? You create the ultimate eCommerce experience that wins your client’s trust and loyalty.

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About the author
Arnaud Rihiant
Founder & CEO @ DJUST

Expert in topics on B2B, eCommerce, market trends, business strategy